Cloud Drive Mapper (CDM) 3.16 (Pre-release)

Release date: October 23, 2024

CDM client


  • 28182: CDM now supports folder redirection in all VDI environment types from desktop to published apps.

  • 28879: We’ve added a new log level called Trace in the CDM log file to assist you with diagnosing issues.

  • 28723: We’ve improved the time CDM takes to quit when triggered by a Windows shutdown.

  • 29712: CDM now uses the same probe used by Windows network adaptors to behave more robustly when transitioning between online and offline. Learn more

Fixed bugs

  • 27415: You can now shut down CDM without affecting Microsoft Office co-authoring capabilities with other clients.

  • 29473: CDM will still be able to mount the drive even if you delete a folder and quit CDM before this change is reflected in Microsoft 365.

  • 29692: The name of a document library would no longer be different between CDM (V3) and CDM Legacy (aka v2.x) even when UseV2NamingConvention is enabled.

  • 26855: You will no longer erroneously receive a Windows notification prompting that you’re offline when you’re not.

  • 29694: The issue resolver will no longer show a conflict as a file when it is actually a folder.

  • 29695: If there is a clash between two folders and you select Keep remote from the Issue resolver window, the local version of that folder will be removed.

CDM installer


  • 30798: You can now embed MappingGroupId and FolderRedirectionPolicyId registry strings as properties within the installer so that these can be deployed at the same time as CDM when you install it via the Command-line interface or Microsoft Intune. Learn more

  • 30761: Internal methods in the installer are now digitally signed to reduce the risk of being blocked during installation.

  • 30421: We’ve updated how your license is checked during installation to avoid issues when a proxy requires authentication and installation is performed under the local system.

Customer-reported improvements & bug fixes


  • 30027 (CDM client): CDM will now honor folder-level permissions (read-only and read-write) that differ from the directory root.

Fixed bugs

  • 82124 (CDM client): We’ve resolved the issue that causes CDM to crash when it receives a file with a name that exceeds 256 characters from Microsoft 365.

  • 81196 (CDM client): We’ve resolved the issue that causes CDM to crash when it runs executable files from a drive using elevation software.

  • 81489 (CDM client): We’ve resolved the issue that prevents document libraries from being accessed on the drive when its name ends with a period or dot.

  • 82330 (CDM installer): We’ve resolved the installation issue that arises when your temporary folder is not in its default location.

  • 80969 (CDM installer): We’ve resolved the issue where some of the binaries used by the installer are not digitally signed.